SPRINGFIELD—Illinois colleges and universities, particularly institutions like Chicago State University (CSU) would be further devastated by Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposed budget, which aims to shift hundreds of millions of dollars in pension and health care costs to state universities.
CSU enrolls approximately 7,000 students on the South Side of Chicago, including the 17th District represented by State Sen. Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago). As a result of the governor’s budget crisis, CSU experienced enrollment declines, increased maintenance costs and other challenges.
“We will not stand by as this governor tries to shift $101 million in pension costs onto our state universities,” Sims said. “This will only lead to higher tuition costs and add a burden that students and families who seek a better education through Chicago State can’t bear right now.”
CSU’s enrollment dropped by 33 percent from 2015 to 2017. Only 118 students started as new full-time freshmen at the school last fall.
The governor’s plan would saddle universities with $105 million in new health care costs.
“Enough is enough. We have to make Chicago State University, Olive-Harvey College and all state universities and colleges a priority to prevent the further out-migration of students and to restore financial stability to these great institutions,” Sims said. “I will fight along with my colleagues to save our schools and help provide the crucial resources needed to revive them from the budget mess the governor created.”
SPRINGFIELD—State Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago) released the following statement after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget address:
“In his budget address for the upcoming fiscal year, the governor has once again failed to present the General Assembly with a reasonable plan to address the fiscal challenges facing our state.
The governor fails to outline a plan to address the state’s backlog of old bills, invest in struggling communities, and he undermines the gains we made to increase funding for our schools. The reality is that under his administration Illinois accumulated $17 billion in old bills and it is essential that we lay out a realistic budget framework that restores stability in our great state.
I’m disappointed the governor attempted to fix the budget mess he created by attacking the hard-earned retirement of teachers and state and community college professors. These hard working professionals help shape the minds of our future leaders and the promises made to them should be kept.
It’s also unfortunate that this governor is making cuts to services crucial to our communities. He’s decided to cut funding from programming vital to providing opportunities to at-risk populations, including Teen Reach and the Youth Employment Program, which help keep our kids off the street and teaches them the importance of hard work.
Governor Rauner has mentioned many times throughout his term that he wants our state to be compassionate. I think it’s well past time that he finally show some of that compassion to working families.”
SPRINGFIELD – State Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D- Chicago) released the following statement after Gov. Bruce Rauner’s State of the State address:
“The governor has once again failed to lay out a plan that will allow us to work together and move our state forward. Today’s address continues the governor’s standard practice of making speeches long on rhetoric and short on action.
The governor may continue to act as if he is not in charge or has no role in the out-migration of Illinois families and businesses, but the reality is he owns many of the challenges the state of Illinois faces because of his inability to work cooperatively with the General Assembly.
For nearly three years, the governor held our state hostage in favor of a political agenda aimed at lowering middle class wages and increasing corporate profits. It took the legislature overriding his veto to restore a sense of stability across the state.
It’s great that the governor talks about bipartisanship, and I have shown I am willing to work with him, but it’s time for him to actually put those words into action and work across the aisle. The people of Illinois want us to join forces to bring needed jobs to struggling areas, improve our schools and make our communities safer. They aren’t interested in hollow promises and general statements.
We will know if the governor is serious about being in charge when he presents us with a real, balanced financial plan for the state. That’s his responsibility, and I hope he takes it seriously this year.”
SPRINGFIELD – Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago) was sworn in today as State Senator of the 17th District. He released the following statement:
“It is my distinct honor to accept this appointment to succeed an outstanding legislator and tireless community advocate, State Senator Donne E. Trotter. I want to thank Senator Trotter for his many years of service to the people of this diverse district with its rich history, culture and amazing people, and for his work in improving the quality of life for all of the citizens of the state of Illinois. His unwavering commitment to the mentorship of young people, including both non-elected and elected officials alike, myself included, is a testament to his desire to move our great state forward.
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