July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month. The goal is to raise awareness about mental illness and to also end the stigma surrounding the issue in minority communities.
If you or a loved one are struggling with a mental illness find support here: https://bit.ly/2Lqpp5C
SPRINGFIELD—Legislation to extend the waiting period for all firearms has now been signed into law.
State Senator Elgie R. Sims, Jr. (D-Chicago) sponsored legislation that would require applicants for any firearm to wait at least 72 hours before they can receive it.
“This sweeping ‘cooling off’ period for guns will protect people throughout the state by keeping guns out of the wrong hands,” said Sims. “The 72-hour waiting period provides a strong and effective tool in our efforts to keep our communities safe.”
Before this action, Illinois law mandated a 72-hour waiting period to obtain a handgun after purchase, but assault weapons, including the AR-15 and other military-style weapons, could be received in only 24 hours.
The governor vetoed a similar bill earlier in the legislative session. Senate Bill 3256 is the answer to his proposal within the amendatory veto.
“With all of the gun violence we’re seeing in our communities and around the country, we must have the proper regulations in place to keep someone from making a hasty decision that could end their life or someone else’s,” Sims said.
Senate Bill 3256 takes effect on Jan. 1, 2019.
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